Monday 16 May 2011

Planning and Ideas.

Possible Metaphors for a While-loop:

1) A packager prepares orders by packing items into boxes. If there are no items, he never starts packing. As long as   there are items, he continues to pack. When he runs out of items he stops packing.

2)  A checkout worker serves customers as long as there are customers in line. When there are no customers, she has time to handle previous orders. While" and the condition "there is a customer in line" continues until the condition is no longer true. Then the customer service representative handles previous orders.

3) A dinner server at the hostel serves food to the students. If there are no students in line to begin with, the server never begins serving. As long as there is students in the line, he continues to serve. When the line of students ends he stops serving.

4) Electrons in a light circuit. While the switch is on, the electrons flow to the bulb. As long as the switch is on, the electrons keep flowing. Once the switch is turned off, or the battery runs out, the electrons stop

Top Three Exhibition Ideas:

- Idea One: Metaphor two could be made into a stop motion clip. Using clear photos I could get the message across of what a while-loop is.
Equipment:        Camera
                              Computer (iMovie)
Costing: There would be no cost in the making of this idea.
Time Management: I could possibly be pushing it to make this idea in time. It will be a lot to get enough photos taken to get the idea of a while-loop across. The editing would also take quite a bit of time. So I would probably not get this idea done in time.

- Idea Two: Metaphor four could be made into a application on Processing. I would include a on/off switch in the app and have electrons flow around a circuit.
Equipment:       Computer
Costing: This idea would not cost anything to make as it would be all done on the computer.
Time Management: I don't think this idea would be possible to make in the amount of time we have. I also don't have the best skills when using the Processing program so would probably struggle a lot to make this idea.

- Idea Three: Metaphor three could be made into either a stop motion or a poster.
Equipment:        Camera
                            Computer (PhotoShop or iMovie)
Costing: This either would either cost nothing, or less than $10, depending on what option I choose. Making a stop motion wouldn't cost anything and making a poster would cost less than $10 to get printed.
Time Management: This idea would be managable with the amount of time we have left. I would get the main of my idea done during this week until the 22nd of May, then fix up anything needed and have the report done by the 27th.


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