Thursday 14 April 2011

Progress Report

After hours of looking up codes and watching tutorials I finally worked out how to make each ellipse draw when click and stay where it was clicked, then draw another one where the mouse is clicked again. Here is a screen shot of what the screen looked like when I had clicked several times: 

I was really happy when I had completed this step, as it felt like I was slowly getting the hang of using Processing and working out which parts of codes meant what.

My next step is to add colour and the pulsing movement to the circles one they have been clicked and drawn. I am now really looking forward to seeing my finished application. I Can't wait to see what I come u with and how my final will turn out.

For my colour choice I am thinking of using red ellipses because I think it looked effective in my first project. It is a very bold colour and makes a clear statement.

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