Wednesday 6 April 2011

Project One Evaluation

What have you learnt so far, what helped and motivated you to learn?
So far I have learnt to use processing with a better understanding of what the different codes mean. I was motivated by the fact I was using a new programme and learning about it as I went. I liked the thought of creating something unique and appealing. I hope to learn more about the programme as I continue to use it.

Is there anything that you want to improve in your next project?
I would like to improve my time management skills for the next project as this would make the whole process of the project less stressful. I would like to get to know the programme I am using a lot better as well before beginning a project. Another improvement I would like to make would be concentrating more during the studio time as this is when I can get help to fully understand what I am doing.

Set yourself a goal and make a plan on how you could achieve this goal.
My Goal for the next project is to create something new and appealing to others. I will achieve this goal by working hard and not finishing the project until I am 100% satisfied that it is to the best standard it can be.

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